
Our marketing website has been down 3 times in a month.

Everytime this happened, I had to clear the css and js caches file in manifest and it solved the problem. The site is back to normal state.

It was very strange that how the new js , css cache files generated as we havent done any work on the site for 4 months.

I haven been searching for symphony cache files documentation, to find out why the cache files generate, but no luck. As I think the js, css cache files should only generate when we make changes.

Has anyone experienced similar problem?

Are you using any cache extensions? i.e Cache lite? and is your css dynamic? i.e .less

I had to clear the css and js caches file in manifest

Do you have an extension that is putting files here? Symphony doesn't touch your assets in this way, and certainly shouldn't be serving them from here at all.

I assume you've got a Minify script of some sort running and aggregating all JS/CSS? you could probably start by checking the URL you are using for linking up, in your XSL files. If this is the original file-paths then you must have some extension. If the directory is from cache... then something else must be generating the cache file before.

Thanks guys

I just talked to the guy who built the site from scratch. He said he used STATIC FILES COMPRESSOR extension. He wasnt sure what was wrong neither.

It always runs fine on my localhost, and never gone down.

I am a newbie in Symphony so I am still learning. I am probably going to disable the STATIC FILES COMPRESSOR extension to see whether it will solve the problem.

I would have to wait for 2, 3 weeks to see if the site is gonna down again.

Any updates, Hugh? I seem to have a similar issue in production sometimes - SFC just caches empty files.

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