
Hi, I accidentally installed an extension that wouldn't work on symphony v 2.3 and it "crash" symphony system. Happy and content I opened my phpmyadmin page to disable this extension from db! :) But when I searched it in the extension table, for my surprise I didn't found that!! I tried to directly delete the extension folder but obviously it don't work! How can I uninstall this nice extension??? Shame on me!

when I try to access to admin page it give me this error:

Schermata 2012-09-04 a 16.00.11.png

That doesn't look like an extension error to me.

That being said, the only trace of an extension in that log is the documentation extension. Is that the extension you meant?

The only way to delete an extension when it no longer exists is to delete it from the extensions table in the database.

Also, there will be some delegates registered for the extension, which is probably where this error is coming from (I am guessing here).

This SQL statement should show where there are delegates that have no extension in the sym_extensions table:

SELECT * FROM `sym_extensions_delegates`
LEFT JOIN `sym_extensions` ON `sym_extensions_delegates`.`extension_id` = `sym_extensions`.`id`

If any rows show up that have no content in the last four columns (id, name, status, version), these are the rows you should delete from the sym_extensions_delegates table.

I hold no responsibility of you break your database. Back it up first!

I don't know, I've installed an extension and after this symphony wouldn't work. I search this extension on my db, in the tables "extensions" and "delegates" but I can't find it! It seem it's invisible! When I delete the extension folder, symphony seems to work and it requires the extension folder! I don't know.

What was the extension?

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