
I just tried to install the Markdown Guide 1.3 extension on Symphony 2.3. This resulted in a blank page any time I try to reach the administrative stuff. However, the website is still there, and I can still get to the debugs page by adding "?debug" to the URLs.

Has anyone seen this? Also, since it looks like some stuff is still working, is it possible to "back out" the addition of the Markdown Guide by using the correct parameters in the address bar? Anyone know what those parameters would be so that I can give it a try?

Also, this is my first post and I'm a brand new user. So far, Symphony looks fantastic. My whole experience getting up and running, and learning how to use it for the past couple days has been wonderful. Thanks.

@jgm - Try this repo for the Markdown Guide. I forked @stuartgpalmer's changes, and added the needed extension.meta.xml file. I've tested this with Symphony 2.3 and it works. Try and see if this works for you. I've submitted my updates for a Pull Request to the original owner, @wisolman.

@bzerangue - Thanks. I just overwrote the old markdown_guide directory with your repository, and it seems to have corrected everything. Is that the normal upgrade route for extensions? Or would it be more appropriate to uninstall/delete them first?

changing the files is enough most of the time; when there is a major update the version number is increased and would be suggested that you go to system > extensions and run enable/update/install on the extension and would apply the update for you.

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