
I have had to add namespaces to my xsl stylesheet to work with RSS feeds, no biggie.

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

The stylesheet has multiple templates for different actions, only one of which utilises the requirement of the namespaces, yet the output of every template includes these namespaces in a specific div element. I have no idea where this is coming from, and why it is only targeted at a specific div.

Anyone come across this before? I would post xsl, but sadly I'm not allowed.

Try to add the prefixes like so:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    extension-element-prefixes="media dc exslt">

Are you sure about the exsltnamespace? Shouldn't that be exsl?

Are you sure about the exslt namespace? Shouldn't that be exsl?

Good point. ;o)

I did not realise that the extension-element-prefixes="media dc exslt" did that. Will note that down...

...However, it isn't making a bit of difference.

Scratch that, caching issues.

Works a treat Michael, thanks for that!

Are you sure about the exslt namespace? Shouldn't that be exsl?

The shorthandle can be anything you like. xmlns:burp="" is valid too.

Also, try exclude-element-prefixes="media dc exslt".

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