Working on a Stripe payments extension, ideas?
This is an open discussion with 51 replies, filed under General.
Stripe offers a great API. I want to create a very flexible extension, so here's what I'm thinking so far:
Stripe Payments
- Submit Cardholder information via stripe.js
- Submit form with cardholder information and token from stripe.js
- Charge payment via PHP API
- Record customer to Symphony if does not exist
- Record transaction to Symphony
- Record customer events via webkhook to logs
- Customers
- Charges
- Logs
- Customer ID
- Identify entry by Strike customer ID.
- Stripe: Customer Link
- Provide a relation from charges to Customer ID field
- Provide a relation from logs to Customer ID field
Event Filters
- Stripe Payments: Customer
- Decode Stripe response
- Stripe Payments: Charge
- Decode Stripe response
- Stripe Payments: Log
- Decode Stripe response
Question: How should I correlate Stripe fields with Symphony fields (in the event filters)? I was thinking of doing it like PayPal Payment (Symphony field must match PayPal field) but I also had the idea of creating the relationships in preferences. Any advice?
I think the former would be a problem for different languages. Stripe is available in the USA and Canada, so Canada does present a language problem if I expect fields to correspond…
Lewis not sure I understood your point about the different languages... but I think a transaction would still be a transaction.. if a site is multilingual the field names usually are still displayed in one language...
What you could do to make life simple start with fixed name fields... then later on add it into the preferences. You would just have to pre-set the preferences on update matching the old setup.
@Lewis Sounds like a useful extension to have. If you have success with Stripe and the urge takes you then having a GoCardless extension for us UK folk could also be very useful. :) It's basically the UK equivalent.
This would be an incredibly valuable extension. Thanks for taking the time to look into doing it!
Just curious, cause I don't really know the extent of Stripe, but the "Customers" section, I assume that could be the same section used with the Members extension, if Members is installed?
Lewis not sure I understood your point about the different languages... but I think a transaction would still be a transaction.. if a site is multilingual the field names usually are still displayed in one language...
I just assumed that if you were designing the backend for someone who is French you would want to use client instead of customer. I don't have experience working with different languages in Symphony, but I thought it was a use case.
If you have success with Stripe and the urge takes you then having a GoCardless extension for us UK folk could also be very useful.
Stripe is for processing credit cards online. I think GoCardless' equivalent here in the USA is Dwolla which is also on my list.
Just curious, cause I don't really know the extent of Stripe, but the "Customers" section, I assume that could be the same section used with the Members extension, if Members is installed?
Correct. As of right now, my thinking is that you would need utilize the Members' Extension if you want to remember customers, but I'm still thinking about it. No section would be mandatory. I'm trying to make the extension flexible so that you could use it to implement a limited implementation or a full implementation.
Hi Mark, how is progress on this extension? have you managed to move forward with it?
Was just looking at today and wondered if there was an extension to hook it into and found this thread.
Should be based on Brendan's PGI Loader. We really need a common ground for these kind of things.
Agreed Jens. if PGI loader is the way to go, then a gocardless extension for it would definitely have immediate appeal.
They have a very simple JS drop-in, ready to go, "pay with stripe" button where all you have to configure is the amount of money for the payment. It might be the simplest thing to get working and stable to start.
Stripe not available UK side of the world though :( hence looking at gocardless.
Hi Mark, how is progress on this extension? have you managed to move forward with it?
I will be creating it for a project to commence shortly. I was hoping to of already begun working on it but temporary health issues got in my way. I'll keep this thread updated with my progress once I get going.
Hope all is well mate. Thanks for letting is know.
This sounds great, they also handle subscriptions which is awesome. I've been just using Paypal and I'm not super happy with it.
Looking forward to this one!
Should be based on Brendan's PGI Loader. We really need a common ground for these kind of things.
Sorry, I missed this comment. Yes, I do plan to support the PGI Loader.
I want it to be more than just an interface for developers. My goal is to make this all configurable through Symphony and not require any custom event programming. So, it will appeal to people to both developers & designers.
I have set a deadline of January 1.
you rock.
Christmas couldn't come and go quick enough :)
This will definately be a great tool for Designers who don't want to delve too deep into code land!
How are you getting on with this? I came across Stripe again today and the API looks super fun and simple to work with so I could assist in getting that groundwork done if you'd like to collaborate.
@brendo have you seen as well? Nice API there too. It's UK version of Stripe, sort of.
I came across Stripe again today and the API looks super fun and simple to work with
Indeed, exactly what I thought when I looked at it :) It just comes down to how it's implemented in Symphony.
so I could assist in getting that groundwork done if you'd like to collaborate.
I would be a fool not to, e-mail sent.
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I'm going to start working with Stripe and I foresee an extension on the horizon. Has anyone worked with Stripe?
Working repository: