
Back when the Members extension was first released, I wanted to experiment with it. I started an Issue Tracker, because my company needed something like it at the time. It seemed to be that Bug Trackers were too technical, so I started off creating my own that non-technical users might be comfortable with. Now, about 3 years later, I still come back to it sometimes and work on it. I've had to upgrade it, and I've learned a lot about Symphony through the project.

Now, I realize there are a lot of great tools out there already, and I'm not really sure I could ever compete with them. But I just wanted to put this out there and see what you guys thought of it. Any opinions are welcome.

Issue Prompt

This is all run on Symphony 2.2.5 with Members. Only a few custom datasources are used. Also using Twitter Bootstrap.

(A disclaimer: This is still very much in beta, and still very much running off of my shared hosting server. Don't use it for anything important.)

Hey this looks very good!

Any chance it will be released as an ensemble?

Yes, I was thinking of doing that if people were interested.

It sounds like something which would be very useful in bridging the gap between complex (and commercial) issue trackers and the simpler requirements of a small team.

I'd agree, it would be great if this was released as an ensemble.

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