
I've just knocked out a 'generic' page template along with a basic section - used for supplementary pages etc.

Unsure how to structure the url I just went with /p/, so a page might be at http://domain.tld/p/page-name for example.

This works fine, however now any top level page that starts with a 'p' returns blank, as it think's that it's a generic 'p' page.

So http://domain.tld/porpoises/ would be loading the 'p' page template, and not the 'porpoises' template.

Is this something I've messed up at my end? Intended? Bug?

I did quick test to see if I could reproduce this, but I wasn't able to. I had set up three pages:


Going to any of those pages return the correct page template.

If you let me take a look, I'd be able to help you figure this out.


Just worked it out.

I had 'Improved Page Resolve' installed (and not being used on this site) and it was causing this bug - which in this case is still unintended (I think) but nothing to do with Symphony. Sorry for the false alarm!

Hi Allen,

It's weirder than that actually, to put your example into context it would be:

All of these will resolve to the /p/ template (notice the last one, it just begins with a 'p' and has no relation to the 'p' page or template). Obviously the last one should resolve to it's own template/page, but because it begins with a 'p' Symphony consideres it part of the /p/ template (at least in this environment).

If that doesn't help troubleshooting it I can give you access as it's on a dev site. I've fixed the problem by changing 'p' to 'page' for now, but easy enough to revert for testing.

(double post)

These are all working for me in both master and integration:

  • http://sym-2.3.skipper/p/
  • http://sym-2.3.skipper/p/page-name/
  • http://sym-2.3.skipper/porpoises/

Edit: just seen your new post. :-)

Yea sorry, thought it was an odd one - glad I came here before heading to file a bug report :)

Heh, my example was actually a typo! My set up is as yours (project sans the /p/).

Anyway, glad you've got it figured out.

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