
I cannot seem to log-in to Symphony admin.

The site works so the database is up.

I visit symphony/ and I do get a login screen.

I enter the credential and * fail *

I go check in Sequel Pro, I can log in to the database with the same credentials that Symphony is using.

I reset the password in using an UPDATE statement against 'sym_authors' to something very simple. Try to log in fail.

I tried using the Symphony reset password feature. Reset to something very simple. Log-in fail.

Here is my .htaccess:

No matter what I enter I get credentials are invalid.

I know that I am using the right database!

###### DATABASE ######
            'database' => array(
                    'character_set' => 'utf8',
                    'character_encoding' => 'utf8',
                    'runtime_character_set_alter' => '1',
                    'query_caching' => 'on',
                    'host' => '',
                    'port' => '3306',
                    'user' => 'root',
                    'password' => '<deleted>',
                    'db' => 'digiology',
                    'sym_prefix' => 'sym_',

Can anyone tell me why this might be the case? I even tried a new symphony install and the same thing happens. Site works, admin interface, I cannot log-in.

What's the exact error message you're getting? Is it 'supplied password rejected' on the login screen or a PHP mysql connection error?

Which version of Symphony are you using? Did you recently update to 2.3.1?

If it's the former (user login) issue it could be an unforeseen bug introduced by the Cryptography changes last update.

Edit: Did you import the same db tables on your fresh install? or did you try and set up a completely blank 2.3.1 install with a new db and it still failed?

Yes I am running 2.3.1 and I am getting 'supplied password rejected'

OS X 10.8.2 php -v PHP 5.3.15 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Aug 28 2012 18:19:13) Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologies

I have tried both using an existing symphony database with a new install and crating an empty db with a new install.

Just by the by, manually updating the authors table probably won't get you anywhere, that value is hashed and salted.

However, according to Nils Werner's rather informative explanation of the new Symphony cryptography functions you can update the password in the db with MD5(anything) (where 'anything' is a password of your choosing) and it should change your password due to the automatic hash updating system Nils put in.

OR considering this may be a different issue altogether, do you know how to switch on PHP logging/find existing PHP logs?

so I tried to do this same setup, Latest Symphony, MySQL 5.15, PHP 5.3.15 on a 10.6 partition.

Worked perfectly.

Moved to 10.8.2, removed MySQL, reinstalled, went through the setup. Symphony works, cannot log into admin interface.

Both .htaccess files (10.6 and 10.8) are the same, I cannot think of why.

Both 10.6 and 10.8 seem to be running Apache 2.2.22

How does one turn on PHP Logging? I am just completely stuck.

EDIT: I found out that if I purposely use the wrong password I get a message 'The login details provided are incorrect' and the username is retained in the username field.

If, however, I use the CORRECT password I get no error, just seems to put me back at the Admin Login page, no fields are retained, username is blank on the form.

Your php.ini should be in /etc/ (you can find out opening a terminal and running "php --ini" if you're unsure)

Open it up and look for "error_log" which should have a path to where your logs are going by default.

That does sound like an odd issue. Have you tried any other PHP apart from Symphony? Unfortunately I'm not a Mac user so not sure how much help I'm going to be with OS X version discrepancies.

You need to ensure you have version 2.3.1 installed, as there was an error with 2.3 that forced login page every time.

I am using Symphony 2.3.1 already.

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