
Dear Folks,

I can’t seem to find a way to filter my datasource by system-id with an itemized ds-param that looks like this:

  <item handle="683">683</item>

Is there a way to do this?

I think it should work like norma, what you have to look at is the $ds-next when using ?debug=params it should be a comma separated list.

Make sure that in the other data-source you have put ds-next as a requirement it could be that your other data-source is executing before ds-next so the variable might not be available

Thanks Jonathan!

In the ?debug=params view ds-next renders as 0. I guess I would have to modify my custom-ds not to output items, but a plain number. At the moment the param-output part looks like this:

$param_pool['ds-prev'][] = intval($param_pool['ds-search'][$posi-1]);

How can I get rid of the <item>-wrapper?

Just don't make it an array

$param_pool['ds-prev'] = intval($param_pool['ds-search'][$posi-1]);

Thanks Marco,

the answer can be so easy if you properly know PHP … I don’t :)

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