

not sure if this is a bug or expected behaviour. when i select to output the system-id as a ds-param from one data-source i get the output two times like so:

  <item handle="85">85</item>
  <item handle="83">83</item>
  <item handle="82">82</item>
  <item handle="81">81</item>
  <item handle="85">85</item>
  <item handle="83">83</item>
  <item handle="82">82</item>
  <item handle="81">81</item>

when i select two or more fields together, i get only the ones i select (sans the generic one).

This is normal; this was part of the upgrade process to 2.3 so that websites can be updated far easier; without having to change all the chained items. When you are developing it is best to use ds-filter-brand.system-id the other is there for backwards compatibility; will most likely be removed in 2.4 if not earlier.

thanks for the clarification. i thought as much and was using the specific output. i just like to keep everything as clean as possible and wanted to get rid of the duplicate ;)

just a clarification; you don't get the duplicate when you select more then one output because symphony assumes you're clever enough and used the new version (besides wouldn't be too sure which should be output) this was described somewhere though not sure if its properly documented anywhere

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