
A new extension, "Improved Entry Editor" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

WOW, this is very cool!


"Create or edit an entry made of some fields." Those pesky 0 field entries eh? :D

I really like this idea actually. I might hijack that local storage concept for the inline entry editor I was thinking about that will probably never happen because my php is awful and I'm lazy.

This looks cool. Like the idea, I find myself going back and forth when I initially set sections up several times.

Likes the extensions but the injected jquery of IEE conflicts with the jquery added by rich text editor Redactor.

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'symphonyCollapsible' 

Thanks, @plenaforma. I'll try to fix that in the next couple of days.

Disclaimer: In order to work properly IEE requires a few markup adjustments. These changes are actually achieved with JavaScript, as there's no "entry point" in the Symphony core to do that with delegates. Thus, I cannot guarantee that IEE works with every custom field and I do not suggest to use this extension in any production environment.

Improved Entry Editor updated to version 0.1.1 on 13th of December 2012

@plenaforma, this should solve your issue:

Assets are now loaded as soon as possible to prevent conflicts with other extensions.

@eKoeS Solved, thank you!

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