
Any idea what could be causing error 500 on Datasource and Events pagesin Symphony admin area?

I have no sections or anything setup, just a clean install. Preferences, Authors, Extensions links work as expected, it's just the Datasources and Events pages render error 500 messages..

Could it be related to no Datasources and Events in the folders on a clean install maybe?


A htaccess file in Public_html root was overriding my 5.3 declaration to 5.2.. little bugger!

I had a similar problem when I was running PHP 5.4. Is this what you're running?

Nope it's a php5.3 Shared host.. I've used them countless times on other Symphony projects without an issue.

Try adding a DS and if it works, then I'd log it as a bug.

ALthough saying that Andy, I'm not getting any errors locally, and I have error reporting set quite strict.

This is on a dev domain online and have used the host multiple times with Symphony. Will need to manually create a DS to check if it is indeed an issue with having no DS's on install.. Would that effect Events as well then? I'm guessing yes as Events rely on a datasource to begin with right?

Not in the admin, no, and I'm not sure in the frontend to be fair.

No info coming out of the PHP error then? Are PHP errors switched on?


Could be a missing php extension.

Edit: althought thinking about it that makes little sense if you're using the host successfully on a diff site.

What is the exact error?

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfil the request.

It's just weird how it's only DS and Event pages that won't render.

What's the command like ?debug you can append to a page to check server info? i.e instead of uploading a phpinfo() file?


Hermmm, didn't work.

Has to be on the install/ page.

My guess is you are on PHP5.2 and the page is crashing on the regression I introduced in 2.3.1 for loading Providers using one method for 5.3+ and a fallback for 5.2.

I'm on my phone now so can't grab the exact line but look for something in the events/data source page for ::buildEditor and remove the 5.3 condition to get it working again.

My hosting is defo running 5.3 though.

I'm having the same issue. My host provider is running php 5.2.17. I found ::buildEditor in 2 files, content.blueprintsevents.php and content.blueprintsdatasources.php. What is it that I should be commenting out? in both of these files? I'm running Symphony 2.3.2.

For reference:


if(!empty($providers)) {
  foreach($providers as $providerClass => $provider) {
    if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50300) {
      if($isEditing && $fields['source'] !== $providerClass::getSource()) continue;

      $providerClass::buildEditor($this->Form, $this->_errors, $fields, $handle);
    // PHP 5.2 does not support late static binding..
      if($isEditing && $fields['source'] !== call_user_func(array($providerClass, 'getSource'))) continue;

      call_user_func_array(array($providerClass, 'buildEditor'), array($this->Form, &$this->_errors, $fields, $handle));


if(!empty($providers)) {
  foreach($providers as $providerClass => $provider) {
    if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50300) {
      $providerClass::buildEditor($this->Form, $this->_errors, $fields, $handle);
    // PHP 5.2 does not support late static binding..
      call_user_func_array(array($providerClass, 'buildEditor'), $this->Form, array(&$this->_errors, $fields, $handle));

Remove the top condition in both files.

So I'm using PHP 5.2 on my server. Would 5.3 resolve this issue?


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