
I am using the REST API extension to access entries that are linked to other entries with the Selectbox Link Field Plus extension. I want to access linked entries via the API, but a given entry only gives me one field and an ID of any linked item. So I can ask for Band and get Band->People with id,name for each person. However, the instrument of each person is in the person entry, so I am asking the API for entries/people/:person_id every time I want a person and their instrument. This is slowing down performance and I don't know what is the best way to proceed. Is there a way give the API multiple IDs and receive the corresponding entries?

I am aware of data-source chaining + xml output and was able to get it working, but I found that I was spending a lot of time re-defining the models in the XML page template. The API is simpler, but seems to be slower if you are making many calls.

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