
So I have a datasource I created and I wanted to customize the processEntry function so I can alter the output of the datasource. Currently I am having trouble Overriding the function in my data.article.php it seems the only way for the changes to take effect is to put the code directly in class.datasource.section.php, however this will run on every section which is not what I want to do.

This is a stripped down version of my data.article.php that doesn't work:

require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.datasource.php');
Class datasourcearticle extends SectionDatasource
    public function processEntry(Entry $entry)
        //Custom Code    

Any Thoughts on this? Not sure if it has to do with order that symphony includes files?

Not too sure I've never quite extended / replaced the processEntry function before usually I edit either the grab or execute

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