
I'm using the reCaptcha extension to help prevent incoming spam on our contact forms (this link is to my individual contact form so you can see what it's doing and it'll just send me the message).

All those fields are required, but if you submit w/ one missing, the individual error messages for the form element does not show up in the event node. If I deactivate the recaptcha filter for the page, then the error messages appear in event node, as expected.

I believe that the problem is in the processEventData() function, where it adds a 'messages' array to $context. If I comment out this line (#8 in the pastie link), then the other form element error messages appear.

I looked around for another example of an extension adding error messages to an event request but couldn't find anything that looked close.

Is this extension using a deprecated or incorrect method to add messages to an event? How can I tweak this so that it doesn't stomp on the other form error messages?

I'm experiencing this at the moment while trying to convert the extension to use Googles recaptcha update.

It seems to override the messages array and wipe the post data. I think we need to include the $post_values array in the filter maybe.. Will try and see what happens an report findings.

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