
A new extension, "SASS Compiler" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

That looks promising. My next project will make use of this. Are there special requirements?

Yes: PHP. :-D

nice touch will give it a try. @phoque if we're using libraries such as Susy or Breakpoints would there be anything extra to take care of?

I don't know honestly. Internally I am using the phpsass library, no idea what its limits are.

Also I have no idea about SASS or LESS; those extensions were merely just for fun :-D

I can't get this extension to work. As per the instructions, I just changed my stylesheet link to <link rel="stylesheet" href="/scss/css/styles.scss"/> where the file is in /workspace/css/styles.scss but the output is blank.

Edit: When I pulled the extension as a submodule it did not get the phpsass library. Had to manually add it. All is working as expected now.

When I pulled the extension as a submodule it did not get the phpsass library. Had to manually add it. All is working as expected now.

The same thing happened to me when I downloaded the zip from github. Installing phpsass was a quick fix but it was not obvious from the docs. Perhaps a note in the README would be helpful.

Very useful extension btw...

When you pull a submodule that also contains a submodule you need to use the recursive option in git

 git submodule update --init --recursive

This is clearly one of the best and most useful extensions ever published here. I just rewrote my entire stylesheet in SCSS and it works like a charm. No issues whatsoever. Thanks a lot, Nils!

you know, you can just do

 sass --watch style.scss:style.css

or with compass

 compass watch

to auto-compile your sass files.

Maybe. But I never got that working at my web host to be honest...

I just really enjoy writing SCSS instead of CSS. Saves me an awful lot of time!

But I never got that working at my web host to be honest...

I do all Sass processing locally and commit the CSS to my repository. One less thing to configure on the server.

Yep, this was my intention. Yeoman for the win.

DavidOliver, iwyg, +1

Although I am not that far as Yeoman, but slowly scratching on that. Currently using Compass and related gems. Windows / Mac users might be better off with Scout app.

Anyone using Grunt to concat and minify js and styles?

@moonoo2, yep we've been using grunt for around 2-3 months now. It was the next logical step after sass, compiles to dev mode automatically; then when we need to go production we just do a manual compile prior to pushing the files. Works like a charm; and everything is becoming much better organised.

I was getting set up for styling in my new OS last night and started looking at Yeoman, but my simple mind got overwhelmed so I kept it simple and used Bundler. Definitely interested in learning more, though.

Am I right in thinking that Yeoman allows for building of a custom generator that would download/install, for example, the latest stable Symphony, particular versions of Susy, Compass and Sass (or Foundation 4), jQuery, a personal Compass base file and a collection of mixins, etc.?

The Asset Compiler Symphony extension looks pretty neat, too.

Im interested in added a sass page so that I can hook up controls in symphony to edit things like page color and have the items go into a sass is there a way to output a sass page type?

In my test linking to the generated url instead of a .sass file isn't working.

@moonoo2 @gunglien We use gulp, as it seems like the code is much cleaner, and potentially more powerful than grunt. I can't see any benefit to using grunt over gulp, Symphony seems to use grunt as well, any thoughts?

@nathan gulp certainly looks interesting and probably setup code looks neater as you say. I'll give it a shot see how it goes.

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