
Currently I am building a site which sends an email out after a Paypal payment is successfully processed(This happens when Paypal sends a message through their IPN system). I would like to store a copy of all emails sent out if possible and I was wondering if anyone is currently doing something similar.

Looks like it would be easy to incorporate the imap_append function to store a copy on the mail server in the sent folder.

Never tried to store emails; but had built cc/bcc functionality. The best way would be to create your own custom gateway; extend the SMTP class (not sure if I extended or copied) then build your functionality over there. That would give you flexibility to re-use if required.

Do you mean to store a physical text file of each email? Or just a log of the email?

Email Template Filter extension has a log that stores all emails sent successfully with all their info (dates, subjects, senders, recipients etc)

I am currently in the middle of a site that allows credit card and paypal payments, which sends emails out on completion using the ETF extension.

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