
Hi guys,

We've inherited a site and are fixing a few bits ups.

The client claims that they used to be able to upload multiple images through the Subsection Manager (from a galleries section, to an images section). But now cannot; they stopped being able to do this some months ago, correlating with no particular incident that I'm aware of.

I wouldn't have thought this functionality possible, but I also have no reason to doubt the veracity of their claims. I also don't suspect that they've fiddled with anything.

When I try and upload more than one image via subsection manager (using the mass upload utility), I get the following error in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'replace' of undefined

On line 35 of massuploadutility.publish.js

The first image in the list uploads fine and creates the entry, but no others get uploaded.

So what's the situation? Is our client somehow mistaken? Or is this possible, but something's broken? Any light shed on this would be appreciated!



This can either be a general bug in the Mass Upload Utility or the extension gets in trouble because of the markup changes applied to the subsection (SSM removes the header and footer from the iframe).

Have you tried to upload multiple files in the subsection directly (not within the SSM interface) to see what kind of problem your are dealing with?

they stopped being able to do this some months ago, correlating with no particular incident that I'm aware of.

Browser update?

Hi Nils,

If I use the Mass Upload Utility in the Images section then I'll just end up with multiple images in one entry - the functionality that apparently used to exist, was that by uploading several images to the subsection manager it would create several entries.


I am getting the same issue in the Images section. At the top of the list of images to upload it reads: "Loaded undefined (1 / 2)" when attempting to upload 2 images, and the console error is the same.

the functionality that apparently used to exist, was that by uploading several images to the subsection manager it would create several entries.

Unless this is a hacked version of Subsection Manager, this never was possible.
Are you sure your client isn't confusing something?

That was my guess - but they seem pretty sure about it :)

Some kind of hacked version of SSM is certainly a possibility - can't be ruled out anyway. (see the edit above, in case it makes any difference).

Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, there's no way for us to get in contact with whoever built the site originally, as I'm sure they could answer some of these questions!

Some kind of hacked version of SSM is certainly a possibility

Just for your information, creating multiple entries with SSM actually means rewriting half of the JavaScript. Not sure why one should do this. A solution with a Select Box Link sounds much more appropriate here.

By the way, this thread is a good example why you should use extensions for their actual purpose only. SSM plus Mass Upload Utility is a breakneck combination in my eyes.

But that's not your fault as it seems :)

Ha, no it certainly isn't :) We've been battling with this site for far too long now! Whoever built it clearly knew a fair bit about both PHP and Symphony but there are several aspects that have given us trouble that I'd have approached quite differently - but the site has maybe grown far larger than was ever anticipated (not that this combination ever really made sense as far as I can see - something's odd either way).

I'll just have to let the client know that it needs to remain how it is and that they might just be going crazy.

Thanks at least for helping me through it; much appreciated, Nils!

Hi Nathan,
I've had the exact same problem where the mass upload extension suddenly stopped working in two sites, without anything being changed. It has got something to do with the jquery used in the extension, updating 'massuploadutility.publish.js' and 'jquery.html5_upload.js' with the ones of the latest version fixed it. or you could update both the site and the extension to the latest versions...
Check out this issue

It's still a mystery to me how it just stopped working though...

I wish I could update the whole lot tbh - it was the first thing we did - long story short it caused far more issues than it fixed.

This is a real 'start from scratch' situation :)

I checked out the bug report you linked, I'll see if messing with the JS files fixes anything - but as it stands I don't think they really need Mass Upload anyway as it won't do what they seem to want.

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