
Hi there,

I just installed symphony on my mac apache server successfully by the installation tutorial, but i cannot login to the admin backend. Symphony always tells me:

"The login details provided are incorrect."

I'm 120% sure my credentials are correct. It is also not possible to retrieve my password because i won't get any mail by the system.

I installed symphony succeessfully on my webhoster (hosteurope) the other day the same way (apart from deleting the workspace folder this time to have a clean install) and did not have any trouble at all, so i'm not really sure what the problem could be.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. :)

So i tried and tried and found out that obviously Symphony doesn't like my randomly created password:


When i installed Symphony with a simple password like "test" everything worked fine and i could login. But now i am scared to change it to a more secure one because i don't know if the system will let me login with it.

A small hint if my password is a valid string for the system during installation or when trying to change the password in the admin area would be helpful i guess. What do you think?

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it was probably the quote marks that caused the password to fail. You may want to limit the character set when creating the random password.

That is really weird, special characters should be no problem at all. Could you investigate if it really was a single special character that threw it off?

Yes. I just created a new user and gave him the password containing just of either the special character ' or " (single or double quote mark).

I could not login, getting the same error message as before. So Stephen was right. :)

Ok, so it not only happens during installation but also when you add a user on the backend? Looks like the quote being escaped in one place but not the other (it doesn't have to be escaped as it is being hashed anyways).

Yes, i created a user in an already installed version and tried all the single characters from my old password (the one that didn't work) each. I didn't try installing over and over again, but i'm assuming Symphony would act the same way during installation because that was my initial problem...

Yeah, looks like I was right: content.login.php vs content.systemauthors.php.

I will look into possible fixes tomorrow evening. Thanks for bringing this up!

Thanks for your help, mate!

The pull request in the queue, it should be fixed in the new version.

It is in the RC1. :)

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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