
Dear All,

Now that Twitter's REST API v1.1 starts to become effective and v1 is being phased out, we are left with no other option than using the oAuth mechanism even for the most basic functionality, like displaying a user's timeline (or use Twitter's own un-cusomtisable Embedded Timelines).

So, I've been wondering, what is the best way to implement this in Symphony? I learned about the oAuth extension, however it doesn't seem to be built with such a feature in mind. Also, the Twitter dev website provides a few usage examples, but I'm not too sure how to actually use them on Symphony.

I'm willing to settle even with a simple PHP extension such as twitteroauth, but I'm not really versed into the underlying mechanics of Symphony, and I have no idea how I would incorporate that into the base code.

Any help or feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Moreover, I also hope that this topic will stir up further discussion on the topic, which I think will be healthy for our community.

Thanks for your time! :)

@finferflu I don't know if this extension is of any use. I've never used it but it seems you can retrieve tweets using oAuth.

I've been using that extension, some of the directions are off (I had to set a callback URL when setting up my app), but it seems to work for most of the basic things (so far, I'm only using it to archive my tweets).

Thanks a lot for your feedback, I will look into it :)

@thebestsophist: Thanks for the heads up: I would have been still banging my head solving an issue if it was not for your suggestion to set a callback URL in the app :)

Glad I could help!

For what it's worth my agency has stopped designing any application/site with a publicly displayed Twitter feed (we stopped toward the end of last year). If it's a requirement, then fine, but if Twitter wish to make things difficult and restrictive, then we'll choose to stop perpetuating their product. I encourage others to do the same.

It's a shame because it was always an easy way to bring dynamic content to otherwise stale websites.

It's all part of their move toward an IPO, and eventually I'd be surprised if you could access the data in any customisable way, even with oAuth. Trends support this hypothesis pretty strongly. i.e. whatever you do it's only a matter of time until you have to remove it anyway.

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