Release Date:
19 Jun 2012


A complete XML to JSON converter.

Taken from Doeke Zanstra's xml2json utility, it's packed and ready to use.

See the docs for more info.


View Raw
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

		A complete XML to JSON transformation utility adapted from
		Doeke Zanstra's xml2json utility (

		This version:

		- resorbs* repetitive elements:

			====> {days: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wendsday"] }

			*Nota bene: If only 1 element exists, it will be output as-is


			====> {days: {day: "Monday"} }

		- empty text nodes are transformed to empty strings

			====> {days: ["", "Monday"] }

		- numbers are output as integers
		- nodes with text equal to "null" are transformed to items with value set to Javascript `null`


			====> {days: null }

	<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

		Example call

		<xsl:call-template name="xml-to-json">
			<xsl:with-param name="xml">
				[Any XML or XSLT transformation]
	<xsl:template name="xml-to-json">
		<xsl:param name="xml"/>

		<xsl:apply-templates select="exsl:node-set($xml)" mode="xml-to-json"/>

	<!-- string -->
	<xsl:template match="text()" mode="xml-to-json" >
			<xsl:when test=". = 'null'">null</xsl:when>
				<xsl:call-template name="escape-string">
					<xsl:with-param name="s" select="."/>

	<!-- Main template for escaping strings; used by above template and for object-properties
		   Responsibilities: placed quotes around string, and chain up to next filter, escape-bs-string -->
	<xsl:template name="escape-string">
		<xsl:param name="s"/>
		<xsl:call-template name="escape-bs-string">
			<xsl:with-param name="s" select="$s"/>

	<!-- Escape the backslash (\) before everything else. -->
	<xsl:template name="escape-bs-string">
		<xsl:param name="s"/>
			<xsl:when test="contains($s,'\')">
				<xsl:call-template name="escape-quot-string">
					<xsl:with-param name="s" select="concat(substring-before($s,'\'),'\\')"/>
				<xsl:call-template name="escape-bs-string">
					<xsl:with-param name="s" select="substring-after($s,'\')"/>
				<xsl:call-template name="escape-quot-string">
					<xsl:with-param name="s" select="$s"/>

	<!-- Escape the double quote ("). -->
	<xsl:template name="escape-quot-string">
		<xsl:param name="s"/>
			<xsl:when test="contains($s,'&quot;')">
				<xsl:call-template name="encode-string">
					<xsl:with-param name="s" select="concat(substring-before($s,'&quot;'),'\&quot;')"/>
				<xsl:call-template name="escape-quot-string">
					<xsl:with-param name="s" select="substring-after($s,'&quot;')"/>
				<xsl:call-template name="encode-string">
					<xsl:with-param name="s" select="$s"/>

	<!-- Replace tab, line feed and/or carriage return by its matching escape code. Can't escape backslash
		   or double quote here, because they don't replace characters (&#x0; becomes \t), but they prefix
		   characters (\ becomes \\). Besides, backslash should be seperate anyway, because it should be
		   processed first. This function can't do that. -->
	<xsl:template name="encode-string">
		<xsl:param name="s"/>
			<!-- tab -->
			<xsl:when test="contains($s,'&#x9;')">
				<xsl:call-template name="encode-string">
					<xsl:with-param name="s" select="concat(substring-before($s,'&#x9;'),'\t',substring-after($s,'&#x9;'))"/>
			<!-- line feed -->
			<xsl:when test="contains($s,'&#xA;')">
				<xsl:call-template name="encode-string">
					<xsl:with-param name="s" select="concat(substring-before($s,'&#xA;'),'\n',substring-after($s,'&#xA;'))"/>
			<!-- carriage return -->
			<xsl:when test="contains($s,'&#xD;')">
				<xsl:call-template name="encode-string">
					<xsl:with-param name="s" select="concat(substring-before($s,'&#xD;'),'\r',substring-after($s,'&#xD;'))"/>
			<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$s"/></xsl:otherwise>

	<!-- number (no support for javascript mantise) -->
	<xsl:template match="text()[not(string(number())='NaN')]" mode="xml-to-json" >
		<xsl:value-of select="."/>

	<!-- boolean, case-insensitive -->
	<xsl:template match="text()[translate(.,'TRUE','true')='true']" mode="xml-to-json" >true</xsl:template>
	<xsl:template match="text()[translate(.,'FALSE','false')='false']" mode="xml-to-json" >false</xsl:template>

	<!-- object -->
	<xsl:template match="*" mode="xml-to-json" >
		<xsl:if test="not(preceding-sibling::*)">{</xsl:if>
		<xsl:call-template name="escape-string">
			<xsl:with-param name="s" select="name()"/>
		<xsl:if test="count(child::node())=0">""</xsl:if>
		<xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()" mode="xml-to-json"/>
		<xsl:if test="following-sibling::*">,</xsl:if>
		<xsl:if test="not(following-sibling::*)">}</xsl:if>

	<!-- array -->
	<xsl:template match="*[count(../*[name(../*)=name(.)])=count(../*) and count(../*)&gt;1]" mode="xml-to-json" >
		<xsl:if test="not(preceding-sibling::*)">[</xsl:if>
			<xsl:when test="not(child::node())">
				<xsl:apply-templates select="child::node()" mode="xml-to-json"/>
		<xsl:if test="following-sibling::*">,</xsl:if>
		<xsl:if test="not(following-sibling::*)">]</xsl:if>


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Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

Compatible Hosts

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