public class DateTimeObj

class.datetimeobj.php #14

The DateTimeObj provides static functions regarding dates in Symphony. Symphony will set the default timezone of the system using the value from the Configuration values. Alternatively a new settings can be set using the setSettings function. Symphony parses all input dates against the Configuration date formats by default for better support with non English dates.


static string|boolean format(string $string, string $format, boolean $localize, string $timezone)

Formats the given date and time $string based on the given $format. Optionally the result will be localized and respect a timezone differing from the system default. The default output is ISO 8601. Please note that for best compatibility with European dates it is recommended that your site be in a PHP5.3 environment.

  • $string string(optional) A string containing date and time, defaults to the current date and time

  • $format string(optional) A valid PHP date format, defaults to ISO 8601

  • $localize boolean(optional) Localizes the output, if true, defaults to true

  • $timezone string(optional) The timezone associated with the timestamp


The formatted date, of if the date could not be parsed, false.

static string|boolean get(string $format, integer $timestamp, string $timezone)

Given a $format, and a $timestamp, return the date in the format provided. This function is a basic wrapper for PHP's DateTime object. If the $timestamp is omitted, the current timestamp will be used. Optionally, you pass a timezone identifier with this function to localise the output

If you like to display a date in the backend, please make use of DateTimeObj::format() which allows date and time localization

  • $format stringA valid PHP date format

  • $timestamp integer(optional) A unix timestamp to format. 'now' or omitting this parameter will result in the current time being used

  • $timezone string(optional) The timezone associated with the timestamp


The formatted date, of if the date could not be parsed, false.

See Also
static string getGMT(string $format, integer $timestamp)

A wrapper for get, this function will force the GMT timezone.

  • $format stringA valid PHP date format

  • $timestamp integer(optional) A unix timestamp to format. Omitting this parameter will result in the current time being used


The formatted date in GMT

static array|string|null getSetting(string $name)

Accessor function for the settings of the DateTimeObj. Currently the available settings are time_format, date_format, datetime_format and datetime_separator. If $name is not provided, the entire $settings array is returned.


If $name is omitted this function returns array. If $name is not set, this fucntion returns null If $name is set, this function returns string

static string getTimeAgo(string $format)

A wrapper for get, this function will return a HTML string representing an <abbr> element which contained the formatted date of now, and an RFC 2822 formatted date (Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200) as the title attribute. Symphony uses this in it's status messages so that it can dynamically update how long ago the action took place using Javascript.

  • $format stringA valid PHP date format


A HTML string of an <abbr> element with a class of 'timeago' and the current date (RFC 2822) as the title element. The value is the current time as specified by the $format.

static void setDefaultTimezone(string $timezone)

Uses PHP's datedefaulttimezone_set function to set the system timezone. If the timezone provided is invalid, a E_USER_WARNING will be raised.

  • $timezone stringA valid timezone identifier, such as UTC or Europe/Lisbon

See Also
static void setSettings(array $settings)

This function takes an array of settings for DateTimeObj to use when parsing input dates. The following settings are supported, time_format, date_format, datetime_separator and timezone. This equates to Symphony's default region group set in the Configuration class. If any of these values are not provided the class will fallback to existing self::$settings values

  • $settings arrayAn associative array of formats for this class to use to format dates

static boolean validate(string $string)

Validate a given date and time string

  • $string stringA date and time string to validate


Returns true for valid dates, otherwise false

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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