public class MySQL

class.mysql.php #70

The MySQL class acts as a wrapper for connecting to the Database in Symphony. It utilises mysql_* functions in PHP to complete the usual querying. As well as the normal set of insert, update, delete and query functions, some convenience functions are provided to return results in different ways. Symphony uses a prefix to namespace it's tables in a database, allowing it play nice with other applications installed on the database. An errors that occur during a query throw a DatabaseException. By default, Symphony logs all queries to be used for Profiling and Debug devkit extensions.


void __destruct()

Magic function that will flush the MySQL log and close the MySQL connection when the MySQL class is removed or destroyed.

See Also
static void cleanFields()

This function will apply the cleanValue function to an associative array of data, encoding only the value, not the key. This function can handle recursive arrays. This function manipulates the given parameter by reference.

  • $array The associative array of data to encode, this parameter is manipulated by reference.

static string cleanValue()

This function will clean a string using the mysqlrealescapestring function taking into account the current database character encoding. Note that this function does not encode _ or %. If mysqlrealescapestring doesn't exist addslashes will be used as a backup option

  • $value The string to be encoded into an escaped SQL string


The escaped SQL string

boolean close()

Called when the script has finishd executing, this closes the MySQL connection

boolean connect()

Creates a connect to the database server given the credentials. If an error occurs, a DatabaseException is thrown, otherwise true is returned

  • $host Defaults to null, which MySQL assumes as localhost.

  • $user Defaults to null

  • $password Defaults to null

  • $port Defaults to 3306.

array debug()

Returns all the log entries by type. There are two valid types, error and debug. If no type is given, the entire log is returned, otherwise only log messages for that type are returned


An array of associative array's. Log entries of the error type return the query the error occured on and the error number and message from MySQL. Log entries of the debug type return the the query and the start/stop time to indicate how long it took to run

boolean delete()

Given a table name and a WHERE statement, delete rows from the Database.

  • $table The table name, including the tbl prefix which will be changed to this Symphony's table prefix in the query function

  • $where A WHERE statement for this DELETE statement, defaults to null, which will delete all rows in the $table

integer determineQueryType()

Determines whether this query is a read operation, or if it is a write operation. A write operation is determined as any query that starts with CREATE, INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE, DELETE, OPTIMIZE or TRUNCATE. Anything else is considered to be a read operation which are subject to query caching.



static void disableCaching()

Sets query caching to false, this will prepend all READOPERATION queries will SQLNO_CACHE.

static void enableCaching()

Sets query caching to true, this will prepend all READOPERATION queries with SQLCACHE. Symphony be default enables caching. It can be turned off by setting the query_cache parameter to 'off' in the Symphony config file.

See Also
array fetch()
  • $query The full SQL query to execute. Defaults to null, which will use the _lastResult

  • $index_by_column The name of a column in the table to use it's value to index the result by. If this is omitted (and it is by default), an array of assocative arrays is returned, with the key being the column names


An associative array with the column names as the keys

array fetchCol()

Returns an array of values for a specified column in a given query. If no query is given, it will use the $this->_lastResult.

  • $column The column name in the query to return the values for

  • $query The full SQL query to execute. Defaults to null, which will use the $this->_lastResult


If there is no results for the $query, an empty array will be returned otherwise an array of values for that given $column will be returned

array fetchRow()

Returns the row at the specified index from the given query. If no query is given, it will use the $this->_lastResult. If no offset is provided, the function will return the first row. This function does not imply any LIMIT to the given $query, so for the more efficient use, it is recommended that the $query have a LIMIT set.

  • $offset The row to return from the SQL query. For instance, if the second row from the result was required, the offset would be 1, because it is zero based.

  • $query The full SQL query to execute. Defaults to null, which will use the $this->_lastResult


If there is no row at the specified $offset, an empty array will be returned otherwise an associative array of that row will be returned.

string fetchVar()

Returns the value for a specified column at a specified offset. If no offset is provided, it will return the value for column of the first row. If no query is given, it will use the $this->_lastResult.

  • $column The column name in the query to return the values for

  • $offset The row to use to return the value for the given $column from the SQL query. For instance, if $column form the second row was required, the offset would be 1, because it is zero based.

  • $query The full SQL query to execute. Defaults to null, which will use the $this->_lastResult


Returns the value of the given column, if it doesn't exist, null will be returned

void flush()

Resets the result, $this->_lastResult and $this->_lastQuery to their empty values. Called on each query and when the class is destroyed.

static void flushLog()

Sets the current $_log to be an associative array with 'error' and 'query' keys and empty array values.

static resource getConnectionResource()

Accessor for the current mysql resource from PHP. May be useful for developers who want complete control over their database queries and don't want anything abstract by the MySQL class.

integer getInsertID()

Returns the last insert ID from the previous query. This is the value from an auto_increment field.


The last interested row's ID

static array getLastError()

Returns the last error that occured while querying MySQL


An associative array with the last query, error number and error message from MySQL.

array getStatistics()

Returns some basic statistics from the MySQL class about the number of queries, the time it took to query and any slow queries. A slow query is defined as one that took longer than 0.0999 seconds This function is used by the Profile devkit


An associative array with the number of queries, an array of slow queries and the total query time.

boolean import()

Convenience function to allow you to execute multiple SQL queries at once by providing a string with the queries delimited with a ;

  • $sql A string containing SQL queries delimited by ;


If one of the queries fails, false will be returned and no further queries will be executed, otherwise true will be returned.

boolean insert()

A convienence method to insert data into the Database. This function takes an associative array of data to input, with the keys being the column names and the table. An optional parameter exposes MySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE functionality, which will update the values if a duplicate key is found.

  • $fields An associative array of data to input, with the key's mapping to the column names. Alternatively, an array of associative array's can be provided, which will perform multiple inserts

  • $table The table name, including the tbl prefix which will be changed to this Symphony's table prefix in the query function

  • $updateOnDuplicate If set to true, data will updated if any key constraints are found that cause conflicts. By default this is set to false, which will not update the data and would return an SQL error

static boolean isCachingEnabled()

Returns boolean if query caching is enabled or not

boolean isConnected()

Determines if a connection has been made to the MySQL server

boolean query()

Takes an SQL string and executes it. This function will apply query caching if it is a read operation and if query caching is set. Symphony will convert the tbl_ prefix of tables to be the one set during installation. A type parameter is provided to specify whether $this->_lastResult will be an array of objects or an array of associative arrays. The default is objects. This function will return boolean, but set $this->_lastResult to the result.

  • $query The full SQL query to execute.

  • $type Whether to return the result as objects or associative array. Defaults to OBJECT which will return objects. The other option is ASSOC. If $type is not either of these, it will return objects.


True if the query executed without errors, false otherwise

static integer queryCount()

Returns the number of queries that has been executed

boolean select()

This function selects a MySQL database. Only used by installation and must exists for compatibility reasons. But might be removed in future versions. Not recommended its usage by developers.

  • $db The name of the database that is to be selected, defaults to null.

See Also
void setCharacterEncoding()

This will set the character encoding of the connection for sending and receiving data. This function will only run if 'runtimecharacterset_alter' is set to 'true' in the Sympony config. This is set to true by default during the Symphony installation. If no character encoding is provided, UTF-8 is assumed.

  • $set The character encoding to use, by default this 'utf8'

See Also
void setCharacterSet()

This function will set the character encoding of the database so that any new tables that are created by Symphony use this character encoding

  • $set The character encoding to use, by default this 'utf8'

See Also
void setPrefix()

Symphony uses a prefix for all it's database tables so it can live peacefully on the same database as other applications. By default this is sym_, but it can be changed when Symphony is installed.

  • $prefix The table prefix for Symphony, by default this is sym_

boolean update()

A convienence method to update data that exists in the Database. This function takes an associative array of data to input, with the keys being the column names and the table. A WHERE statement can be provided to select the rows to update

  • $fields An associative array of data to input, with the key's mapping to the column names.

  • $table The table name, including the tbl prefix which will be changed to this Symphony's table prefix in the query function

  • $where A WHERE statement for this UPDATE statement, defaults to null which will update all rows in the $table

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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