Deprecated in Symphony 2.3.1

References in the API marked as deprecated should not be used for new integrations. Existing implementations should seek to find alternative methods/functions where possible.


class.md5.php #14

MD5 is a cryptography class for hashing and comparing messages using the MD5-Algorithm

class.sha1.php #14

SHA1 is a cryptography class for hashing and comparing messages using the SHA1-Algorithm


class.entry.php #34

An ISO 8601 representation of when this Entry was created eg. 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00

class.field.php #103

An associative array of the settings for this Field instance


class.administration.php #541

Writes the current Symphony Configuration object to a file in the CONFIG directory. This will overwrite any existing configuration file every time this function is called.

class.administrationpage.php #1094

Returns all the page types that exist in this Symphony install. There are 5 default system page types, and new types can be added by Developers via the Page Editor.

class.cryptography.php #37

Uses an instance of MD5, SHA1 or PBKDF2 to create a hash

class.datetimeobj.php #318

A wrapper for get, this function will return a HTML string representing an <abbr> element which contained the formatted date of now, and an RFC 2822 formatted date (Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200) as the title attribute. Symphony uses this in it's status messages so that it can dynamically update how long ago the action took place using Javascript.

class.extension.php #119

The about method allows an extension to provide information about itself as an associative array. eg. 'name' => 'Name of Extension', 'version' => '1.8', 'release-date' => 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'author' => array( 'name' => 'Author Name', 'website' => 'Author Website', 'email' => 'Author Email' ), 'description' => 'A description about this extension'

class.extensionmanager.php #765

This function will load an extension's meta information given the extension $name. Since Symphony 2.3, this function will look for an extension.meta.xml file inside the extension's folder. If this is not found, it will initialise the extension and invoke the about() function. By default this extension will return an associative array display the basic meta data about the given extension. If the $rawXML parameter is passed true, and the extension has a extension.meta.xml file, this function will return DOMDocument of the file.

class.field.php #1248
class.field.php #1182

Create an association between a section and a field.

class.field.php #1195

Permanently remove a section association for this field in the database.

class.fieldmanager.php #602

Returns an array of all available field handles discovered in the TOOLKIT . /fields or EXTENSIONS . /{}/fields.

class.frontendpage.php #973

Given a page ID, return it's type from tbl_pages

class.frontendpage.php #993

Resolves the path to this page's XSLT file. The Symphony convention is that they are stored in the PAGES folder. If this page has a parent it will be as if all the / in the URL have been replaced with _. ie. /articles/read/ will produce a file articles_read.xsl

class.general.php #283

Allows you to send emails. It initializes the core email class.

class.md5.php #24

Uses MD5 to create a hash based on some input

class.pbkdf2.php #56

Uses PBKDF2 and random salt generation to create a hash based on some input. Original implementation was under public domain, taken from

class.sha1.php #24

Uses SHA1 to create a hash based on some input

class.section.php #188

Returns an array of all the fields that can be filtered.

class.symphony.php #544

Given the $page_id and a $column, this function will return an array of the given $column for the Page, including all parents.

class.symphony.php #578

Given the $page_id, return the complete path to the current page.

class.symphony.php #561

Given the $page_id, return the complete title of the current page.

class.widget.php #708

Will wrap a <div> around a desired element to trigger the default Symphony error styling.


class.lang.php #588

Status when a language is disabled (will be removed in Symphony 2.4)

class.lang.php #581

Status when a language is installed and enabled (will be removed in Symphony 2.4)

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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