public abstract class Extension

class.extension.php #12

The abstract Extension class contains common methods that most extensions require to get started in the Symphony environment. They include the installation updating and uninstallation, as well as a delegate subscription hook so an extension can perform custom logic at various times during Symphony execution.


static integer $NAV_CHILD

Determines that a new item is to be added to an existing navigation group in the Symphony backend


void __construct()

Default constructor for an Extension, at this time it does nothing

array about()

The about method allows an extension to provide information about itself as an associative array. eg. 'name' => 'Name of Extension', 'version' => '1.8', 'release-date' => 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'author' => array( 'name' => 'Author Name', 'website' => 'Author Website', 'email' => 'Author Email' ), 'description' => 'A description about this extension'


An associative array describing this extension.


Since Symphony 2.3, the about() function is deprecated for extensions in favour of the extension.meta.xml file. It will be removed in Symphony 2.4.

boolean disable()

This method runs when a user selects Disable from the Symphony backend.

See Also
boolean enable()

Extensions can be disabled in the backend which stops them from functioning by removing their delegate subscription information but keeps their settings intact (usually stored in the database). This method runs when a user selects Enable from the Symphony backend.

See Also
array fetchNavigation()

When the Symphony navigation is being generated, this method will be called to allow extensions to inject any custom backend pages into the navigation.

The extension can also inject link items into existing group's of the navigation using the 'location' key, which will accept a numeric index of the existing group, or the handle of an existing group. Navigation items in Symphony are initially provided from the ASSETS . /navigation.xml file which defines the default Blueprints and System groups. The indexes for these groups are 100 and 200 respectively.

A simple case would look like this.

return array( array( 'name' => 'Extension Name', 'link' => '/link/relative/to/extension/handle/', 'location' => 200 ) ) );

If an extension wants to create a new group in the navigation it is possible by returning an array with the group information and then an array of links for this group. Groups cannot provide a link, this is done by the children. An example of a returned navigation array is provided below.

return array( 'name' => 'New Group', 'children' => array( array( 'name' => 'Extension Name', 'link' => '/link/relative/to/extension/handle/' ) ) );

All links are relative to the Extension by default (ie. EXTENSIONS . /extension_handle/. ) Set the 'relative' key to false tobe able to create links relative to /symphony/.

return array( array( 'name' => 'Extension Name', 'link' => '/link/retative/to/symphony/', 'relative' => false, 'location' => 200 ) ) );

You can also set the target attribute on your links via the 'target' attribute. This works both on links in standard menus and on child links of groups.

return array( array( 'name' => 'Extension Name', 'link' => '/.../', 'target' => '_blank' ) ) );

Links can also be hidden dynamicaly usign two other keys: 'visible' and 'limit'. When 'visible' is set to 'no', the link will not be rendered. Leave unset or set it dynamycally in order to fit your needs

return array( array( 'name' => 'Extension Name', 'link' => '/.../', 'visible' => $this->shouldWeOrNot() ? 'yes' : 'no' ) ) );

The 'limit' key is specificaly designed to restrict the rendering process of a link if the current user does not have access to it based on its role. Symphony supports three basic roles witch are 'author', 'developer' and 'primary'.

Note that setting 'visible' to 'no' will hide the link no matter what.

return array( array( 'name' => 'Developers Only', 'link' => '/developers-only/', 'limit' => 'developer' ) ) );

The 'limit' key is also available for navigation groups.

Note that if an extension wants to edit the current navigation, this is not possible through this function and rather it should be done using the NavigationPreRender delegate.


An associative array of navigation items to add to the Navigation. This function defaults to returning null, which adds nothing to the Symphony navigation

See Also
array getSubscribedDelegates()

Extensions use delegates to perform logic at certain times throughout Symphony. This function allows an extension to subscribe to a delegate which will notify the extension when it is used so that it can perform it's custom logic. This method returns an array with the delegate name, delegate namespace, and then name of the method that should be called. The method that is called is passed an associative array containing the current context which is the current page object and any other variables that is passed via this delegate. eg.

array( array( 'page' => '/current/path/', 'delegate' => 'DelegateName', 'callback' => 'functionToCall' ) )

boolean install()

Any logic that assists this extension in being installed such as table creation, checking for dependancies etc.


True if the install completely successfully, false otherwise

See Also
boolean uninstall()

Any logic that should be run when an extension is to be uninstalled such as the removal of database tables.

See Also
boolean update(string $previousVersion)

Logic that should take place when an extension is to be been updated when a user runs the 'Enable' action from the backend. The currently installed version of this extension is provided so that it can be compared to the current version of the extension in the file system. This is commonly done using PHP's version_compare function. Common logic done by this method is to update differences between extension tables.

  • $previousVersion stringThe currently installed version of this extension from the tbl_extensions table. The current version of this extension is provided by the about() method.

See Also

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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