

I think Symphony should allow you to customize the body message of Send Email Filter without using an extension.

I tried to use the Filter Template extension and I’ve got some bugs.

Symphony provides a way to send email, That’s great! But why not to customize an email?

Let’s discuss about it.

If nothing else, it would be nice to have external SMTP support.

If nothing else, it would be nice to have external SMTP support.

Agreed. I had to hack the core for one client who has no mail socket on the web server (for security reasons).

I had to hack the core for one client who has no mail socket on the web server (for security reasons).


I had actually finished doing this immediately before reading this thread.

Would it be unreasonable to incorporate PHPMailer into the core? I’ve used it with great success on many projects, and it gives you things like attachments and multi-part messages (html with text fallback etc), and it has some decent protection against hijacking and has far higher delivery rates than what I’ve had calling the mail() function directly.

Having said that I’ve never had delivery issues with Symphony-sent messages. I don’t even think they’ve ever been identified as spam…

Henry, swiftmailer is the way to go.
It also has smtp support so you can use a google apps or gmail account for sending.

I suppose the original Send Email filter wasn’t intended for contact forms but more of a notification of certain events for the site owner (a new comment has been posted for example). Extending this further than its current scope I think is beyond the “Send Email” filter in the core.

I think there is scope for a second type of email that is fully customisable, that would eventually replace the “Send Email” notification type. Much like the Akismet plugin there could be mappings to specify the field values.

But where this stops and Rowan’s Email Template Filters begins is difficult to decide.

Rowans Email Template Filters is in use on my setup for a client.. but I get some weird output when it arrives in my email!

Subject: Job Advertisement: jobs for welsh speakers, <BAD CHARACTERS>

Any idea why this could be outputting the end of the string that should read the ID of the job post that’s been created?

** Sorry, had to edit this comment. Invalid characters were breaking stuff - Alistair

Rowans Email Template Filters is in use on my setup for a client.. but I get some weird output when it arrives in my email!

Here’s what I see when the email of the form arrives in my email! error in output of subject

Any idea why this could be outputting the end of the string that should read the ID of the job post that’s been created?

Rowans Email Template Filters is in use on my setup for a client.. but I get some weird output when it arrives in my email!

Here’s what I see when the email of the form arrives in my email!

error in output of subject

Any idea why this could be outputting the end of the string that should read the ID of the job post that’s been created?

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