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Closed#167: Function "update" in class.mysql.php causes a warning if $fields is array

The function update in class.mysql.php is designed to work with a $fields array. But the following line must throw a warning in the log if you actually pass an array:


And here it is, fresh from Symphony’s log:

2009/11/08 23:47:24 > WARNING: 2 - mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in file /Users/me/Sites/dev/me/email-newsletters/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.mysql.php on line 139

Like the insert function, the update function should actually check if fields is an array and behave accordingly.

The MySQL::cleanFields() function is designed to handle an array of values, but it won’t work with a deep (> 1 level) array structure.

This issue is closed.

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