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Closed#191: DS Editor duplicator: filters should not be orderable

This was fixed in previous versions but has snuck back in with the new duplicator in 2.0.7. The filters duplicator should not be orderable since filters have no order.

This requires several changes.

If you simply remove orderable config for the DS duplicator, things break:

$('#fields-duplicator').symphonyDuplicator({ orderable: true });

This is because each section’s field (hidden in the HTML) contains a ol#filters-duplicator. When jQuery selects based on an ID, it only finds the first. This is an occasion when starting with valid HTML in the first place would have prevented a bug ;-)

By changing the 4 instance of filters-duplicator in content.blueprintsdatasources.php to create class attributes rather than id attributes, and modifying the JS to use a CSS selector, things are back to normal:

$('#fields-duplicator').symphonyDuplicator({ orderable: true });

Would be worth someone else testing this thoroughly too.

This issue is closed.

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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