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Closed#388: htaccess creation needs addressing

I’m finding it irritating to have to always remove any existing htaccess files while installing Symphony. Is there no way that Symphony can append to an existing htaccess file? I usually have a development area which has password protection, and therefore an existing htaccess, which I have to rename and then copy the contents out of it into the Symphony created one.

Just a thought…

I am working on a htaccess rewrite abstraction layer, which can load htaccess files.

It is far from finished though, so maybe there is a quicker solution?

Is there no way that Symphony can append to an existing htaccess file?

The installer could be updated to do this. It would depend on the existing .htaccess being writable.

So, I guess there should be 3 situations.

  1. Existing .htaccess, but not writable. Throw error asking to either make it writable, or remove it.
  2. Existing, and writable. Append to it. This could clash with existing rules, but thats really up to the person installing to deal with.
  3. No .htaccess, so create one.

I would think they are all reasonable.

Should add, I think this is really a feature addition. It will be looked at for 2.2+

This issue is closed.

Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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