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Closed#398: "Send Email" and localisation

As author of the Italian translation for Symphony, I’ve just found out that the string “Send Email” is being used in contexts that might make the whole localisation a bit more complicated.

For example, it shows up as text for a submit button in the password recovery page (line 78 of content.login.php), but also in the event editor as a filter rule (line 118 of content.blueprintsevents.php).

In my Italian translation, the filter rule is translated in a slightly more verbose way, to help authors understand what the filter actually does if selected. This is not needed in the login page, however, as the button just submits a form.

Given that the action is the same, but the context is different, wouldn’t it be better to use different labels?

Simone, do you have a proposal for a better labeling?

content.login.php: “Send recovery email


content.blueprintsevents.php: “Send email to one or more recipients

It’s not a matter of finding a “better” alternative but instead a way to avoid conflicts.

Could the Event filter be “Send notification email”?

Could the Event filter be “Send notification email”?


This issue is closed.

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