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Closed#407: Adding of backslashes when saving Preferences

Like in issue #393 Symphony keeps adding backslashes to the values of configuration data.

Hm. I’m not sure if it’s a Symphony bug or an extension bug. Have to investigate.

Yep I hit this today with Search Index. I serialise an array (to a string) and then store this in a key in the config file:

But it seems that on some occasions (I can’t determine when/why it does or does not occur) that backslashes multiply and multiply. I’m convinced it’s due to over/underzealous stripslashes and/or addslashes but that’s as far as I’ve got.

I noticed it with your Search Index extension as well, Nick. I temporarily (and I believe incorrectly) fixed it in line 86 of class.configuration.php (__toString method, used in saveConfig of class.administration.php) by stripping slashes before adding slashes again.

I’d be interested to see if this commit fixes it.

I figure that extensions get their values by using the get function, and perhaps not all use the $index parameter. I believe stripslashes missing from the last return is a bug/typo anyway, so adding it here should fix it.

EDIT Cancel that, that commit has now been reverted. It would seem if an extension just uses get without specifying an $index, it is up to the extension to apply stripslashes to the values.

Shouldn’t the Configuration class just handle this though?

The slashes are saved into the config file, so this tells me that the stripslashes should occur during the write and not the read. The Search Index extension never calls get() without specifying an $index so I’m not convinced this is it.

When I save the config, I use the set('key', 'value') method and then save(). Perhaps my set should strip slashes from the serialized array string it passes as the value.

Shouldn’t the Configuration class do this itself though? Would it be reliable?

Fixed this finally. The Configuration class now stripslashes all values that are passed to it. addslashes is run to save the Configuration to a file.

The reason this works is that the Configuration class is a bit backward in Symphony in that the config.php file is loaded into the Configuration class using Configuration->setArray. In this function, all the slashes that were added to save the file to disk are removed, resulting in a pure Configuration->_properties array.

It is this Configuration->_properties array that is used by the get function to return the Configuration values, so the get function does not have to worry about stripslashes.

For extensions, they should never had to manually stripslashes, this will be done when the Configuration array is saved out to config.php

Check the commit

This issue is closed.

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