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Closed#522: [beta4] Section Settings Styles

While updating Subsection Manager to the new DOM and styles I noticed that code elements are not styles properly within the section settings. It’s not that visible in Firefox but Safari uses to display the monospaced font really big:



.content code {
    font-size: 1em;

solves the problem.


I think this depends on what font is used from the stack. Monaco on a Mac tends to render larger than Courier on a PC I think.

Ah, right. I didn’t check that. Nevertheless this is not ideal: all inline code elements look gigantic in Safari. Wasn’t there a fancy CSS3 declaration to adjust font sizes?

Yes, there’s and it is in fact called font-size-adjust :). Never toyed with it, though…

In my opinion it would be great to find a solution for this (although it’s just a small cosmetic things), but I think it’s best to handle this in a later Symphony 2.2.1 release.

This issue is closed.

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