Closed#103: HTTP 500 Internal Server error


from two seperate computers on two very seperate networks. I’ve mentioned it twice in the thread re London meetup, but no response and others are talking as though they can access the page.

Really Bizarre. I’m not seeing any issues on our end and others seem to be able to access the page just fine. Perhaps it has something to do with your particular user profile.

Can you please try logging out of the account, then try accessing the page. If this works, try logging back in and see if the page fails. This will give us a better clue as to what might be the cause.

Fazal reported the same yesterday. The error, as far as I could tell, only applied to unauthenticated users, and I thought I’d got that sorted. I guess not.

I have a theory though. @designermonkey, is your timezone offset set in your profile?

It’s set to

Timezone: GMT +0:00

Which I haven’t updated as I’m in GMT +1:00 (British Summertime) at the moment (no biggie though).

I can see it when not logged in. On logging back in from that page, I get the error.

Whoops, double post! Need to remember to stop using F5…

Looks like setting your timezone to GMT+0 is the problem. You see the 500 error since you’re not logged into the backend. If you were to be logged in, you’d see a juicy XSLT error page.

XSLT error

So, for now, change your timezone offset and see if that helps. We’ll look at fixing the bug.

Right. Ok I’ll get this fixed up.

This should be fixed.

I can confirm this is fixed.

Thanks very much guys!

This issue is closed.

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