
Hi am using WAMP Server...after successful installation. when i click "Extensions" in system menu (admin module)... it showing error like

"Symphony Extension Missing Error" Could not find extension debugdevkit at location C:wampwwwsymphony/extensions/debugdevkit/extension.driver.php.

You can try uninstalling the extension to continue, or you might want to ask on the forums...

how to solve?


If you installed via Git, you'll need to clone the required extensions (including the Debug Dev Kit) by initialising/updating the submodules:

git submodule update --recursive --init

by the way, your picture seems to be buggy.

@moma:I dont know...I tried in xampp also but same Error I am not find solution..fade-off now...
@DavidOliver: thank you....I am directly downloaded latest version from "" and installed in wamp (windows)...please can you guide what need to change in wamp server?.....

@prdpraik, okay, it's not to do with Git and submodules then.

It's likely to this issue, but I don't know if it's been fixed yet. You could try redownloading to see.

Thank you soo much's bit (old)2.3.2 version..but it's fine......working:-)

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