
When editing an entry, after I click the Remove File option at a file upload field and resave the entry, the field awaits a new file, but the file is not physically deleted from the filesystem.

This happens only at that project, with any upload type field extension. I tried out another project on the same host (local, os linux), and all works well.

Permissions look the same, config too, both are SCMS 2.3.3RC2.

I dunno why this happens.

Please do you have any idea what to check?

The same happens when deployed on a remote server. So it should not be particular to my os settings.

I found also this thread, but it was not my case, although I use ML extensions.

I think I got it: Looks like the file removal function in 2.3.3RC2 does not operate with files elsewhere than in workspace folder directly. I had my field's files stored in subdirectories of workspace folder and that was the factor for their non deletion.

Tested on two standalone projects.

Can anyone confirm, or should I first post it at GitHub?


Hmm, that sounds like a bug! Can you log it please?

Ok, done.

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