
I am trying to import a value (related entry's id) into a Subsection Manager field using the XML Importer extension, but no luck so far.

I get an implode(): Invalid arguments passed error pointed out here.

Has anyone done this type of import?


It depends what versions you are using, as there was a change in the Importer function signature & definition so there might be issues there.

I've never done imports on Subsection Manager; as I've tried to eliminate it as much as possible, it's not being supported any more either so you might have to dive in a bit...

I have the latest versions of all, SCMS 2.3.3RC3, extensions too.

Yes, SSM is not supported, but I hoped for some existing experience of doing this task.

Thanks for your insight.

You'd have to add something like this to SSM in order to make the import work: Maybe the SBL code just works?

I think it should do the trick; since it works similarly; as then it would use the normal insert functions of SSM.

Guys, that did it :) Thanks a lot.

I am also trying to dig into Symphony and I like it, but don't want to overload my comments with my scattered knowledge too much in the first place.

Thanks again for the pointer!

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