403 Forbidden error on some pages
This is an open discussion with 2 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
I saw this problem recently too. The root cause for me was the .htaccess file
Though it got solved I am not too sure how it was done (I tweaked so many things that I have forgotten which thing actually fixed it). I am also interested to know about the correct solution.
may your server logs - traced to debug - told you something. or there are logfiles in manifest/logs/main ?
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Hi, I've been searching for days and I can't understand the source of my problem.
I created this website few years ago : www.esfmorillon.com Now on some pages, a forbidden error is displayed and I can't seem to find why. Like on this one : http://www.esfmorillon.com/new2010/fr/cours/ski/cc-adulte/
Can you help me to fix it if you've got an idea ? Thanks a lot !