
I'm a novice user. I accidentally deleted all the files from my site, so then I copied them onto my server from a backup and the site didn't work. I updated Symphony (I had a really old version). And now I'm getting this: (Any suggestions/instructions a novice could understand? It would be greatly appreciated...)

Symphony Fatal Database Error: Table 'colombi8teoballve.symsessions' doesn't exist

An error occurred while attempting to execute the following query

SELECT SQLCACHE session_data FROM sym_sessions WHERE session = 'oof23bt0r82r2ek83mqaeo6t14' LIMIT 1 Backtrace [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.mysql.php:475] MySQL->error(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.mysql.php:671] MySQL->query(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.mysql.php:759] MySQL->fetch(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/core/class.session.php:215] MySQL->fetchVar(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/core/class.session.php:80] Session::read(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/core/class.cookie.php:119] Session::start(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/core/class.cookie.php:110] Cookie->init(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/core/class.symphony.php:263] Cookie->construct(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/core/class.symphony.php:140] Symphony->initialiseCookie(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/core/class.frontend.php:45] Symphony->construct(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/symphony/lib/core/class.frontend.php:33] Frontend->__construct(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/index.php:15] Frontend::instance(); [/home5/colombi8/publichtml/index.php:22] renderer(); Database Query Log [0.0010] SET charactersetconnection = 'utf8', charactersetdatabase = 'utf8', charactersetserver = 'utf8'; [0.0001] SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'; [0.0001] SET timezone = '-06:00'; [0.0003] SELECT SQLCACHE,, t2.delegate, t2.callback FROM sym_extensions as t1 INNER JOIN sym_extensions_delegates as t2 ON = t2.extension_id WHERE t1.status = 'enabled' ORDER BY t2.delegate,;

Can you empty the cache in the Database, and empty the sessions table. Then also empty browser cache to be safe.

Reload and see what happens.

I suppose the problem was that there was no sessions table, so I created it using the instructions on this other forum post but now I just get "server error" in Chrome and a blank/white page in Safari and Firefox.

Any other suggestions out there?

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