
Symphony seems to cache Javascript files.

After emptying the cache in my browser it still loads up an old version of the file (that isn't really there anymore). Emptying the cache folder of the manifest doesn't seem to work. I tried to load up the page on a different computer (that has never visited the page before) and still the old version gets loaded.

Is there a way to tell symphony that there are fresh files and force it to load the new versions?

 cat $(file * | awk '{if($0  ~ /ASCII/ || $0 ~ /UTF/ ) {split($0,a, ":"); print a[1] }}' ) | grep function

in cache folder does not give me any js functions defined.

At develop site I use :

        ###### PAGE_HTTP_CACHING ######
    'page_http_caching' => array(
        'default_caching' => 'off',
        'default_intermediary' => 'no',
        'default_max_age' => '60',

@ config.php

Thank you.

Going to look into it now. I also found out that emptying the cache in Safari didn't really empty it or somehting. When I open the "inspect element" window, and then hit SHIFT-CMD-R it does renew the version of the .js file.

Symphony does not cache any frontend files like js or css, that will be down to your browser.

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