
Hi there. I am a very inexperienced coder and web designer, who recently inherited a new website. I very slightly altered a image reference in the main css file of the website. Subsequently I recieved this error. I have no idea what has happened or whether I caused it.

Symphony User Error Show Markdown for copy/paste Could not find Data Source latestnews. If the Data Source was provided by an Extensions, ensure that it is installed, and enabled. An error occurred in /home/nmedsoc/publichtml/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.datasourcemanager.php around line 118 113:
114: $classname = $this->getClassName($name);
115: $path = $this->
getDriverPath($name); 116:
117: if(!isfile($path)){ 118: triggererror(('Could not find Data Source %s. If the Data Source was provided by an Extensions, ensure that it is installed, and enabled.', array($name)), EUSERERROR); 119: return false; 120: } 121:
122: if(!classexists($classname)) requireonce($path); Backtrace: [/home/nmedsoc/publichtml/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.datasourcemanager.php:118] GenericErrorHandler::handler(); [/home/nmedsoc/publichtml/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.frontendpage.php:472] DatasourceManager->create(); [/home/nmedsoc/publichtml/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.frontendpage.php:238] FrontendPage->processDatasources(); [/home/nmedsoc/publichtml/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.frontendpage.php:63] FrontendPage->
buildPage(); [/home/nmedsoc/publichtml/symphony/lib/core/class.frontend.php:50] FrontendPage->generate(); [/home/nmedsoc/publichtml/index.php:25] Frontend->display(); Database Query Log: SET NAMES 'utf8'; [0.0001] SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'; [0.0001] SELECT SQLNOCACHE * FROM sym_cache WHERE hash = 'sessionconfig' AND (expiry IS NULL OR UNIXTIMESTAMP() <= expiry) LIMIT 1; [0.0002] SELECT session_data FROM sym_sessions WHERE session = '5e36d1722c9ae1a4424a20948fad0020' LIMIT 1; [0.0003] DELETE FROM sym_sessions WHERE session_expires <= '1378843425' OR session_data REGEXP '^([^}]+\|a:0:{})+$'; [0.0001] SELECT id FROM sym_authors WHERE username = 'jonathank' AND password = '36a2f3a88eb23e9cede4e7ff8191bd926fe7433d' LIMIT 1; [0.0004] UPDATE symauthors SET last_seen = '2013-09-24 21:03:45' WHERE id = '12'; [0.0002] SELECT * FROM sym_authors WHERE id = '12' LIMIT 1; [0.0002] SELECT * FROM sym_extensions; [0.0002] SELECT * FROM sym_authors WHERE username = 'jonathank' LIMIT 1; [0.0003] SELECT,, t2.delegate, t2.callback FROM sym_extensions as t1 INNER JOIN sym_extensions_delegates as t2 ON = t2.extensionid WHERE t1.status = 'enabled'; [0.0003] SELECT sym_pages.* FROM sym_pages, sym_pages_types WHERE sym_pages_types.pageid = AND sympagestypes.type = 'index' LIMIT 1; [0.0001] SELECT type FROM sym_pages_types WHERE page_id = '1'; [0.0001] SELECT name FROM sym_extensions WHERE status = 'enabled'; [0.0001]

Any help would be amazing

Symphony is looking for a datasource called Latest News on the page you are viewing. To fix, open up your page in the back end via blueprints > pages and then resave the page.

Have any changes happened to your data sources at all?

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