
Hi , I m new in symphony . I need to create one extension and using this extension display albums on frontend of my site . These albums coming from external site (another site, using userid ). So how to display albums using this album extension ? and how to call this extension to frontend of my site ? can you please help anybody ?

Hi asha,

Be welcome! I can advice you to walk through the Learn section first, if you want to build something with Symphony.

Further along, you can find all kinds of great answers, advices and tips in the forum.

Also please do not repost or duplicate your threads, but edit them or write more information along into them.

All the best!

Hi Juro,

Thanks for your comment. I am waiting more answers from this discussion.

Thank you

why do you need to crate an extensions? isn't there any extensions might fitting your needs?

maybe this is helpful too:

Hi moma,

I checked that delegates, but i couldn't understand this correctly. How to use this ? can you explain more about this. I mean any common function suitable for my need ?

You do not necessarily need an extension. Depending on the data format of the external source, you could just use a datasource.

My aim is to develop an extension in Symphony like WordPress plugin which be used in any site.

If you read the documentation that others have linked to already, you will notice that there are no Wordpress-like extensions needed in Symphony for this purpose. If you're prefering to setup sites like Wordpress does, simply use Wordpress.

We are a helpful community but you are breaking our basic rules and guidelines: Please start with reading the docs. Thanks!

Sorry, I'm new to Symphony. I think you didn't get my actual need. What i needed is i want to show some content from an external site in my symphony site. And please note this is not for a single site. (Same content need to display on more than one site) That is why i am looking for something like extension.

What i needed is i want to show some content from an external site in my symphony site.

that quite nice. nobody of us knows how the content is served (xml/json/..), nobody of us knows what you tried.

So even if I wanted, I cant help you, sorry.

Try taking a look at remote datasource extension or xml importer extension. Both are examples of how data can be imported in to Symphony from external sources. If you want any more specific advice then you will have to be more detailed as to what form the data from the other site is in. Is it JSON, XML, an RSS feed? Does it require authentication? etc.

To be more specific I have a website to create album. Any user can login into this site and create their own albums and they will be able to show these albums in their symphony site if needed. The album content is in json format. I m trying to add this json content to symphony

and even now you don't search by yourself for things like that.

ok, so if I understand you correctly you have one site where users can create albums. There are then other separate symphony sites which need to pull in the album information and display somewhere on their front end.

My suggestion would be to go with the remote datasource extension mentioned above as you will easily be able to evaluate it and decide whether it is suitable for your needs.

This is assuming that accessing (reading) the album data from your central site does not require authentication. I am also assuming that you don't need to store a separate copy of the data in your symphony sites.

If the central site requires authentication to read the album data then I think you would need to write an extension that would handle the authorisation. I think there a few examples of extensions that tackle authentication which you could use as a starting point.

I hope this is of some help.

Thanks @davecoggins. Using remote datasource it's working.

Glad to hear you got it working.

To be more specific I have a website to create album. Any user can login into this site and create their own albums and they will be able to show these albums in their symphony site if needed.

I kind of like this idea. Are you syndicating a service this way?

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