Gulp build system pre-configured for Symphony
This is an open discussion with 1 reply, filed under General.
Interesting, thanks! Looking forward to trying this out.
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This is an open discussion with 1 reply, filed under General.
Interesting, thanks! Looking forward to trying this out.
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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS
I recently released a Gulp based fronted build system called Longsip and this morning I've made a customised fork pre-configured for use with Symphony 2.5+ Symphony-Longsip It might be of interest to anyone wanting a plug-n-play gulp/symphony setup, or as a base for developing their own.
Thers are reasonably comprehensive docs so I won't repeat those here, but the headline features include support for Browserify, Polymer Web Components, BrowserSync (inc. proxying local development server), Stylus & Autoprefix CSS.
Edit: (5th-Oct-2014): Project name has changed to 'Longsip' - github URLs above have been changed to reflect.