
I am unable to open the datasource page in the backend on a system running 2.5 (updated from 2.3). Searching the forum only yielded something about the »about«-functions in the datasources. Not sure if this is what happens here. Can anyone help me to find out what causes this?

Symphony Fatal Error: Argument `$value` is not of type `string`, given `NULL`.
An error occurred in /…/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.general.php around line 1545
1540 throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Enforced type `%1$s` for argument `$%2$s` does not match any known variable types.', array($param['type'], $name)));
1541 }
1543 // validate variable type
1544 if (!call_user_func($validator, $param['var'])) {
1545 throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Argument `$%1$s` is not of type `%2$s`, given `%3$s`.', array($name, $param['type'], gettype($param['var']))));
1546 }
1548 }
1549 }
Database Query Log
[0.0001] SET character_set_connection = 'utf8', character_set_database = 'utf8', character_set_server = 'utf8';
[0.0002] SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8';
[0.0001] SET time_zone = '+02:00';
[0.0017] SELECT SQL_CACHE,, t2.delegate, t2.callback FROM `sym_extensions` as t1 INNER JOIN `sym_extensions_delegates` as t2 ON = t2.extension_id WHERE t1.status = 'enabled' ORDER BY t2.delegate,;
[0.0002] SELECT SQL_CACHE `session_data` FROM `sym_sessions` WHERE `session` = 'dt8eouvmbpn85j30e4qic9e996' LIMIT 1;
[0.0002] SELECT SQL_CACHE a.* FROM `sym_authors` AS `a` WHERE `username` = 'alex' ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1;
[0.0074] UPDATE sym_authors SET `last_seen` = '2014-10-14 08:51:37' WHERE `id` = 1;
[0.0003] SELECT SQL_CACHE `name` FROM `sym_extensions` WHERE `status` = 'enabled';
[0.0002] SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM `sym_extensions`;
[0.0003] SELECT SQL_CACHE `s`.* FROM `sym_sections` AS `s` ORDER BY `s`.`sortorder` asc;
[0.0002] SELECT SQL_CACHE d.pages, FROM `sym_documentation` AS d ORDER BY d.pages ASC;

Your database query stops at extension sym_documentation ... guess that is the suspect

Thanks for pointing me there, will have a look at that patient :)

Hmm, after uninstalling Documenter (which threw an error as well, I needed to delete it form the db manually) the last query in the error log has become

SELECT SQL_CACHE `s`.* FROM `sym_sections` AS `s` ORDER BY `s`.`sortorder` asc;

Maybe it has something to do with the 2.5.1 cache-update? Will try upgrading.

Nahh, no dice :(

Hmn, opening the respective datasource-editors/info-pages via their direct url works fine. E. g.


It’s only the list of datasources that throws the above error.

Just update an install and no problems. (not that helpfull I'm afraid)


Are references to datasources stored in SQL somewhere?

The error persists even if I temporarily move all my datasources in a different folder.

The error is occurring when generated an anchor for one of the datasources, here. It's expecting that all datasources will provide in their about functions at least the name and handle. Datasources generated by Symphony usually have this information, but custom ones may not.

My guess is that there is a custom datasource (or one provided by an extension) in your installation which does not have a name in their about array. Does this ring a bell?

@brendo that was one hell of a bell you rang there! Actually it was the data.search_suggestions.php provided by the search index extension that was »nameless«.

Thanks a lot! My installation feels a lot healthier now :)

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