

I have this Select Box Link entry in which I wanted to display filtered items.. say I have a section for people with name and age, and I want to have a select box link that shows the name of people with age above x.. I searched for extensions and I couldnt find anything that would do this although I feel like it would be a common need. How do you guys go around this? Is there a way people usually go about doing this? Should I try and write an extension?

I have a feeling I saw an extension that would create a dynamic section based on results from a data set but I can't find it now.. did I dream this?? :)



For the frontend datasource chaining is your friend.

  • Make a section age
  • Link it in theother section through a select box
  • Output the select box as a ds-parameter
  • Make a datasource from section age filtered on the ds-parameter

Hey plenaforma, thanks for the answer,

although I think maybe I wasn't clear. What I mean is having a filtered select box link on the backend, instead of just showing all entries on a section, filter them by some other field of that section.

Maybe there's nothing off-the-extensions-shelf? ..I might get my hands dirty then :)

Thank you!

although I think maybe I wasn't clear

I had doubts already, that's why I wrote: for the frontend ...

I have seen that question before and sometimes I think it could be pretty useful. But never see the solution.

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