
I know we shouldn't really request things, but I thought I'd bring this up for future developments.

To further help speed up websites, where people have gzip enabled, why not add the ability to minify javascript files from symphony? This would further speed up delivery times and site speed.

Douglas Crockford made JSmin quite a while back now and is available for use here and a PHP version has been ported to google code

jQuery for example report that minifying then delivering there library reduces the size from 94k to 15k which is a huge boost to page load

I think this would be a great addition even as a campfire service...

Well, typically, web browsers cache external JS files after first discovery and then reload them only when said cache expires. Gzip would recompress the file every time you load the page. Sometimes the gzip process takes much more processing power and creates more overhead than if you just loaded JS files the traditional way.

Not sure if doing something like this would really help. Correct me if I'm wrong, though!

And, yes, you can still request/suggest stuff here. :)

There's too much variety:

Have your pick.

In all, the best form is gzip + varietal packer. If not just gzip and be happy.

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