
Basically I want to add a new data source which is a table (or two) in the database. I don't mind keeping the data separately. What I want is to add this as a source, and be able to generate xml out of it.

The idea of course is that I will be able to use the data for one of my pages. In the end, I'd also like to be able to add data to the table.

More explicit example: I do monthly mixes for my friends. I want to put into the database two tables

Table 1 - > mixes id | Month | Year | Title | Theme

Table 2 -> id | Mix_ID | Track | Title | Artist | Album

I want to be able to show everything cross linked (Show which albums contain tracks by artist, etc). First step though is being able to enter and display the data as simple lists of tracks per month.

If people want an example of both the xml output, I'll make one up and show it, but I feel like it should be reasonably obvious.

Thanks in advance for all the help.

Looks like you want to create two sections in Symphony with the appropriate fields and create a section link between the two. So, Mixes and Tracks would be your two sections and then you'd want to create a section link field in Tracks to the Mixes section.

@Lewis thanks for the response. That's what I did. I created a Mixes. However how do I go about adding tracks to the mixes (I can't seem to), and secondly When my data source fetches from Mixes, I always get "No Records Found" even though I have 1 mix that I entered.

how do I go about adding tracks to the mixes (I can't seem to)

In order to create a track entry, you must click on the hyperlink under the Tracks column on the Mixes publish page.

When my data source fetches from Mixes, I always get "No Records Found" even though I have 1 mix that I entered.

It could be a number of things:

  1. Do you have any filters applied?
  2. Is the right section selected for your data source?
  3. Did you select the elements to output in your XML?

Hmm. Okay, so after a bit more experimentation here is what I get.

I was able to add a track to the album (thanks for that) And when I set my data source for my page to be "tracks", I get a list of tracks.

On the other hand when i set that data source for my mixes page to "mixes", it keeps giving me a no results found. I have not set up any filters on the data source.

Am I doing something incorrectly? I feel like once I figure this out, I'll have a better handle on how to do other things.

incidentally, if you want to poke around yourself (on my site), I'd be happy to give you what you need.

incidentally I've been sitting in the irc channel (it's dead), hoping to find someone to help there :P

Okay, thanks to czheng for the help. turned out that deleting my DS and page and recreating them was what I needed.

Not sure how I missed your follow-up, sorry. Think there might be a bug in the "next unread" link on overture...

Glad you got it working!

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