
A new Extension, “Hash Field” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

This field will hash any valid that is entered provided length is not equal to 32 characters or length is 32 characters but not a valid hash string, [0-9a-z]{32} for the regex inclined. Hashing also occurs to filter values in the same way.

Alistair - is this the same approach that is used to encode email addresses to protect from spam harvesting (i.e. would it work as an email field)?

Best, Clayton

Hashing is a one way function I.E. you cannot take a hash and reverse it to form the original string. So you would possibly use the hash as an identifier for looking up things.

Thanks Alistair.

Bonus question - is there any way one can setup an email entry to encode automagically in Symphony?

I think this plugin is what i was looking for: I'd like to to make an audio player similar to muxtape (html + hidden flash) but I don't want the files to be easily downloaded. The problem is that I can't grasp how this could work. The html could link to the hash, but than the hidden flash would need some way to get the file name from the hash. If I point the flash player to an external xml with both the hashes and the filenames the xml file could be seen and spoil the whole thing. I can't think of other solutions that don't involve a similar approach. Please excuse me if this is a silly question and thank you for your help


Bonus question - is there any way one can setup an email entry to encode automagically in Symphony?

Not quite sure what you mean by 'email entry'. Are you trying to obscure email address for display on the frontend? => fred [at] smith [dot] com?

but I don't want the files to be easily downloaded.

You mean the audio files? or the flash player? Not sure of the best option here. Perhaps you can obscure it with JS?


Not sure if you want to achieve what I construe you want to. But if you want to encode an email address in order to simply protect it from harvesters, perhaps The Enkoder would be of use for you.

Are you trying to obscure email address for display on the frontend? => fred [at] smith [dot] com?

Actually, instead I'm trying to automate the little trick that one can do per HTML bundles in a program like TextMate, where it encodes (for lack of a better word ;) an email like this - =

perhaps The Enkoder would be of use for you

Thanks for the tip Erik. This is definitely along the lines of what I meant to mean initially...

But I'm wondering if there would be a way for someone to enter an email address within a field in Symphony and then have it encoded, as above, automatically once parsed into the page.

Is this something that could occur via a field type extension, via XSLT, or some other sort of PHP rigamoral?

some other sort of PHP

...I guess, but don't ask me how. I think i.e. the Enkoder Rails Plugin is what you're looking for, but for Ruby on Rails.

Is this something that could occur via a field type extension

Yes, but does encoding e-mail addresses in such a manner actually keep them from becoming harvested these days?

does encoding e-mail addresses in such a manner actually keep them from becoming harvested?

Currently I'd say yes, sir. But Graceful E-Mail Obfuscation shows other solutions, too. It also points some problems out with current techniques.

Well there is the E-mail Obfuscator utility now. But its unclear how to use it, need a with param?

Markdown can do it, but getting the encoded email from the datsource, encoded as it is and not reencoded as type, ino your page proves impossible.

So; still unsolved…

Hash Field updated to version 1.1 on 21st of March 2011

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