
I posted in the GCSE extension thread that I was having a problem with the ‘middot’ entity that Google was returning in some search results in xml throwing an error in Symphony. Since i typed the entity into my post (as in ‘&’ + ‘middot’ + ‘;’), that page (page 2 of the GCSE thread) is throwing the same error! It seems that Symphony allows the entity into datasources, but can’t output them.

Are you outputting using…

 <xsl:value-of select="something" disable-output-ecscaping="yes" />

? I believe that’s what I did… although I also switched off of the GCSE extension and am using XML results straight from Google.

All these entities need to be converted to their numerical code.

I use as a reference.

Thanks for the tips.

Since the error is on loadXML(), I don’t think my XSL gets a chance to manage it. It would be handy in the course of using APIs if Symphony could do this entity conversion, since there is really no way to handle an API that sends you entities. Maybe the standard Dynamic Datasouce does this already?

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