How can I tell if Symphony is caching?
This is an open discussion with 2 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
Out of the box, the only thing that Symphony caches is image data. We wanted to strip the caching mechanisms used in 1.7 out of the S2 beta. Once we know that Symphony's core is stable we will start to introduce caching in the form of extensions to offer different styles of caching.
That's good, I like caching. With Symphony's db calls upwards of 90 for each page load, it could get pretty intense. Check out this article - it's about wordpress but you can apply it to symphony just as easily.
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I see the manifest/cache folder, and the sym_cache table, and both are empty at this point. I've read the couple of posts in this forum about caching, and it's still a tad unclear on what caching is available, and where it should end up if enabled. The forums for v1 mention a caching setting for Pages, but that seems to be gone. I may have a file permissions problem going on (but am not dealing with images at all, which I think is what uses the cache directory).
Is there an article or forum post that details how to enable caching? Or default caching behavior, or what is available?