Multiple Images
This is an open discussion with 5 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
It's quite easy: someone has to create a new field for multiple images. I remember that it has been stated that this is on the (long) list.
Is it on the Bug Tracker?
No, Scott commented on this here in the forum.
Do you know the link off hand?
Here's one thread that might be useful, but I can't find any of my own comments on this matter. Nils is right that it will need to be implemented as a new field type, but rather than copying the 1.7 "File Attachment" field, we plan to build an extension with improved features and more image-oriented focus.
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Is that going to return in a future version?
I know there have been workarounds bandied around, but what was wrong with the original system of uploading multiple images in an entry?